
The Lombard Garden Club welcomes fellow gardeners who enjoy learning opportunities and the company of others. Members have a wealth of experience to share. Membership is open to any person at least 18 years of age who has an interest in gardening.

Lombard Garden Club meetings begin with social time followed by a lecture or demonstration on nature or gardening topics. Programs are followed by Club business and a delicious tea time

The Club meetings take place on the fourth Friday of the month, usually at the Lombard Community Building at Grace Street and St. Charles Road in Lombard. We gather at 12:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 1:00 p.m. Click here for current information on upcoming topics, locations , and information.

Upon joining the new member is asked to support the club’s constitution and bylaws, and the club’s mission. We are an all-volunteer organization with a commitment to support the beautification of our community. In view of that mission members serve on at least one committee in addition to the Refreshments Committee and participate in the annual lilac sale fundraiser in May.

Lombard Garden Club membership

How to Join or Renew Membership

Complete the attached membership form and send it along with dues of $15 to Lombard Garden Club, P.O. Box 885, Lombard, Il 60148. Or, turn it in at the next club meeting. Membership is renewed annually and must be received by March 1, in order to be included in the club’s year book.

Membership Form


Committees include:

Standing Committees

The Program Committee schedules speakers and outings for the club. Purpose of the Program Committee is to provide the educational component of the meetings that further interest in gardening, nature, the environment, the beautification of the landscape in our community and related topics. Members actively participate in the identification and selection of speakers for club meetings. Resources are available through the Garden Clubs of Illinois to assist with this task. Major planning period is from mid-January to the end of March.


The Membership & Hospitality Committee is responsible for (1) greeting members and guests at meetings and welcoming new members. The members follow up with new members, learning of their interests and helping them to fit into the club. Membership reaches out to locate new members. Membership keeps membership records and reports to the Garden Clubs of Illinois. (2) The committee also organizes the spring and December luncheons for the club. Members choose the location, plan the menu and arrange the table decorations. This is done in cooperation with the Program Committee.


The Civic Committee recommends club participation in or sponsorship of appropriate civic projects within the Village of Lombard. Projects may include community gardening, beautification and related areas. Through the efforts of the Civic Committee the club participates in our community.


The Conservation & Environment Committee brings awareness of the most relevant conservation/environmental issues and challenges to the club and promotes interest in helping with these issues. The committee members may attend educational meetings on related issues and report findings at general meetings. The committee may actively participate in projects related to these issues.


The Correspondence & Yearbook Committee designs and produces the club’s annual yearbook that is given to members at the spring luncheon the end of April. Members gather yearbook information, check its accuracy and put it into a compact format. The committee designs the cover and the layout. The committee arranges for the printing and distribution of the yearbook.


The House Committee works with the refreshment committees to present a welcoming and attractive refreshment table. The committee keeps track of the plates, tablecloths and all the supplies needed to host our club’s refreshment time which is the primary socialization part of each meeting


The Publicity and Marketing Committee publicizes our events through print media and social media.It is responsible for updating the club website with the help of a professional website creator.
This committee creatively presents the club and its activities to the public.


The Ways & Means(Lilac Sale) Committee is responsible for all club fundraising projects as approved by the executive board. The largest responsibility is the planning and implementing the annual Lilac Sale. Responsibilities include selecting and ordering the plants in the fall of the year before the sale and then following up with the grower. In early spring in anticipation of the sale, plant descriptions are written, tags are made, supplies such as pots and soil are ordered. Advertising the sale is planned and implemented in cooperation with the Publicity and Website chair. If the sale is held on-line then a virtual store is set up and orders taken on-line. Recruit from all club members to participate in the root trimming, potting and tagging of the plants. Organize club members to staff the curbside pick-up location the day of the sale. Coordinate with the Lombard Park District.

Special Committees

The Auditing Committee conducts an annual review of the club’s finances as presented by the Treasurer to meet requirements for the club’s 501 © 4 status with the IRS. This is a once a year assignment that requires attention to detail.


The Bylaws Committee reviews the club bylaws and presents changes and updates to the executive board and club membership for approval as needed. This requires periodic review meetings and presentations to the executive board. Some familiarity with the club’s operations is helpful.


The Finance Committee creates the yearly budget under the leadership of the Treasurer. The budget is presented to the executive board, then the club membership for approval. The committee is most active between January and March.


The Garden Walk Committee organizes an annual tour of members’ gardens and various interesting gardens in our community. Members identify participants, organize the schedule and plan the event. This is most active during the summer months.


The Lilacia Park Butterfly Garden Committee maintains and enhances the garden located in Lilacia Park. It was designed to offer education about the benefits of butterflies in our garden and is a summertime attraction in the park. This is a hands-on gardening project and is most active during the growing season. May require watering during the hot, dry days.


The Maple Street Chapel Garden Committee beautifies and maintains the foundation planting on the Main Street side of the historic Maple Street Chapel building with an eye toward low maintenance and durability. This is a hands-on gardening project, usually involves cleanup and planting in the spring and clean up in the fall. May require watering during the hot, dry days.


The Nominating Committee provides continuity of the club leadership by filling vacancies on the executive board. Members need to have knowledge of the club. This committee is most active during the late fall through the early spring.


The Peck Homestead Garden Committee designs, implements and maintains a garden of plants historically native to Illinois and pollinator friendly in conjunction with the Lombard Historical Society. This is a hands-on gardening project, usually involves cleanup and planting in the spring and clean up in the fall. May require watering during the hot, dry days.


The Scholarship Committee promotes the availability of at least one scholarship to a Lombard resident and is involved in the selection of the recipient(s). This involves meetings and reviewing applications from students.